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«France in shorts» is an initiative designed and organized jointly by AFCA (Association Française du Cinéma
d’Animation),  Animfrance and SPI (Syndicat des producteurs indépendants)

in collaboration with UniFrance, the Procirep and the International Animation Film Market.

Curated by :

The French Association for Animated Film 


​Since 1971, the AFCA (supported by the CNC) promotes animated auteur cinema of all kinds​, ​​manages a resource center makes the professional network lively and accompagnies young authors.​ To meet its goals, the AFCA works on several fronts:






AFCA is in charge of La Fête du cinéma d'animation, organises Le Festival national du film d'animation and coordinates France in shorts ! â€‹




AnimFrance gathers originally and mostly French animation films producers. Since 2015, a cinema college has been created to expand producers' projects and visibility, including the "feature film" committee​, headed by Didier Brunner (Folivari) and a "short film" committee, headed by Nicolas Schmerkin (Autour de Minuit).


Independent producers syndicate - SPI


The SPI brings together producers of short films, feature films and audiovisual contents. Created by producers sharing common values, independent of all telecommunication group and channels, it has entered into the French media landscape. The SPI is composed by 450 firm members, including a "short film" college gathering about a hundred of companies.

With the support of :
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